Where the f%&# have I been?

Long time no see guys! It’s been a while . I promise I have a really good reason as to why I’ve been MIA.  If you haven’t kept up with me via Twitter or Instagram then you’re probably in the dark about why I haven’t been around much. It’s a pretty awesome reason. Here’s a fun little clue:

Pregnancy Announcement Yup. I got a little nugget growing in my belly.

I’m so excited to have my own little mini me running around in a few months! I just want to meet him/her already!

Unfortunately, this cute little baby comes with a shit ton symptoms that suck. For example, HG aka hyperemesis gravidarum– for those who are not schooled in the pregnancy forum abbreviation world (seriously, why are there so many!). HG is just a fancy way of saying I barf way too fucking much. Everything makes me barf. Here is a quick list:

  1. Emotions- I once fear vomited because my husband scared me by walking into our place when I wasn’t expecting it. I also vomited from laughing too much. I have to stay in a constant state of zen. WTF 
  2. Smells- I now have supersonic olfactory glands, one of the many superpowers that pregnancy gives you. Taking out the trash or opening a smelly fridge is just a guaranteed upchuck for me.
  3. Bending over- I bent over to clean out the dishwasher. I had to rewash the dishes. My body has trained itself to puke if I have “assumed the position”
  4. If I move too fast in the morning- I puke…
  5. Didn’t sleep enough or have insomnia? —I puke….

Please tell me I’m not the only one who is going through this. I have tried everything- motion sickness bands, ginger everything, eating small meals, laying in bed and eating crackers before getting up, napping mid day, Unisom + B6, etc. Nothing has worked.  At this point when someone tells me they had zero morning sickness and felt great during their pregnancy, I want to scream.

Other symptoms included are acid reflux/heartburn, peeing every 20 minutes, insomnia, acne (I thought this shit would be over when I turned 20…nope),  crying for no reason and freaking out your spouse, asthma, and for me personally, lack of appetite.  This last one paired with the HG has been miserable. I haven’t been able to cook for the last 3.5 months because I don’t want to eat and I feel sick from the smell of food. Thus the hiatus.

Luckily, my doctor recently put me on some medication to help me with the HG, but my body is still pretty gung-ho on rejecting everything I eat. I’m in the middle of my second trimester and it went from barfing 5-7 times a day to 2-3 times. I can live with that and now my appetite is slowly returning- woohoo! Plus it’s the holidays and well, I got cookie recipes I’ve been planning all year to share with you now, so be on the lookout! 

Also if there are any mom’s out there with any advice or went through what I’m going through? Leave me a comment!


13 Responses

  1. First off : Congratulations!!!!! Secondly I may have a secret natural remedy for your problem , passed down in my family.Can I email it to you somehow???

  2. Hey Hetal! I just read this post, got to say its the most realest sh!t post I’ve ready in while It made me laugh (in the sympathetic way). The only thing my mom has told me about was these weird dried mushroom things that she used to have when she was pregnant and that have been an age old Indian remedy. My sister-in-law swore by it as well, I believe they’re called dried amla… they don’t taste so bad either. Ask your mom about it, she may know. Hope things get better for you soon!

  3. I took Zofran which helped me with my throwing up and nauseous. I was even admitted to the hospital from time to time for getting dehydrated after throwing up so much. UGH. I too, wanted to smack all the non sick pregnant girls in the world. REALLY ladies? Gee thanks. hahaha

  4. Hey Hetal! UGH! I had the same thing. I had 40 weeks of morning sickness with my 1st, and I have to tell you… I just powered through it. Drinking a TON of water helped sometimes, and those little violet candies sometimes? http://www.amazon.com/C-Howard-Violet-Candies-Mints/dp/B003MUHDF0 – something about the scent, flavor combo helped on occasion.

    Otherwise – I’m just sorry<3 Sending love and well wishes! SO so so very worth it in the end, it can just be an intense 40 weeks. You got this! ONWARDDDDD in the the baby abyss!

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