Monday Links

1. William Sonoma 2. Dogpatch  3. FitBolt 4. GoDish
1. William Sonoma 2. Dogpatch  3. FitBolt 4. GoDish

1. Williams Sonoma just started up cooking classes in San Francisco recently. The classes are a bit pricey ($95-$500) , but the classes are 2+ hours long. If you go into a class a novice, you will come out with a strong understanding of the cuisine/food your class focused on. I am saving up for the Baking & Pastry Class where you can learn about the basics of how to make cakes, tarts, ice cream, and custards.  This would also be a great Christmas gift for your foodie friends. (Hint Hint) 😉

2. Dogpatch Warehouse Sale Sat, Dec 7th 9-4pm. Check out the Dogpatch Warehouse Sale with 50+ local merchants selling, specialty items such as art, food, and much more. Some vendors I’m excited to check out are  Recchiuti, ink.paper.plate Press, and Baggu. It’ll be a great place to pick up small, unique gifts for the holidays.

3. FitBolt– For the past week my co-workers and I have been trying out FitBolt. It’s a computer app that reminds you to get up from your seat. You set a reminder for every 30 to 60 minutes and Fitbolt will suggest stretches and exercises you can do at your desk. It’s nice to take a quick break, stretch it out and get out of your seat. Let’s be serious, we all sit for way too long at work and it takes a toll on your body. The stretches/exercises are easy to do at your desk,although I have gotten a few weird ones, like side planks. There is no way I am lying down on the ground at work to do a side plank. However, my team did all the wall sits, good mornings, and wrist/back stretches together and we loved it. Get up off your butt and try it out!

4. GoDish – Another app my co-workers and I have been trying out is GoDish. It’s an app that provides dynamic pricing for food at local restaurants. Everyday, each restaurant will have a certain dish that is “on sale”. For example, the Cactus Salad is typically $8 at Cicil’s Cafe, however, on Monday it was priced 20-35% off depending on the time you wanted to pick it up. Meals are cheaper earlier in the morning and later in the evening since that is when the crowds slow down. So if you eat at weird times and want to save some cash, this app is for you!

I am going to be making Monday Links a biweekly post now so I can start including more recipes, DIYS and fashion tips! If you now if any great apps, start-ups, events or shops I should know about- send me an email and I will check it out!

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