Monday Links


1. Foxhound Urban Adventures
I did this with my husband a few weeks ago- it’s basically laser tag across the city of SF with no boundaries. For $75 per person you get 4 hours of intense laser tag. You are split into two teams- one team gets a mission and another tries to stop them. You are given a laser gun hidden in a bag , spy equipment and one hour to complete each mission. We did 3 missions total. You have no boundaries or specified routes- so it’s all about strategy and good aim. The game starts at Pier 39 and ends at the Cupid’s Arrow.  I thought it was going to be lame- but it was actually insanely fun. I ended up being the lethal sniper of my team and played a clutch role in our teams final win!

2. SF Renegade Craft Fair 
I went to this fair last year and came back with tons of cute stuff. I was supposed to go buy gifts and ended up with mostly presents I bought for myself 🙂  It’s HUGE and it took me practically the whole day to get through, but it was well worth it. Prices for items range from $1 to $500+ , so there is something for everyone. Even if you don’t buy anything you end up leaving inspired with ideas for your next craft project.

3. Dealflicks
This app provides dynamic pricing for movie tickets. They like to call themselves the Priceline of movie theaters. They partner with movie theaters to fill up empty seats for low prices. Not only do they sell movie tickets at insanely low prices, between $5 and $10 excluding 3D movies, you can enjoy a movie with popcorn and soda for almost as low as $10! A lot of the theaters on this website are local gems and it feels really good supporting small businesses in your area.

4. 3 Potato 4
If there was one food I could eat forever, it would be fries. This is a new place in SOMA that serves fries as their main dish! It reminds me of Pomme Frites in NYC, however, the fries at 3 Potato 4 are baked rather than fried. I plan on going there this weekend with some friends and throwing abandon to the wind as I scarf down as many fries as possible.

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