New Years Resolutions


I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year! 2013 was a turbulent year for me. The highs being that I got married and celebrated with family/friends; and low of not being near family and friends anymore due to my move to SF. Last year was a year of just settling down, no crazy trips, no big career changes, just settling and getting comfortable in my new surroundings. In the year ahead I look forward to traveling to Norway, Denmark, Sweden, England, Belgium and France ( my husband and I had a strong case of wanderlust one day). My husband will be gone for a month to travel to Singapore for a work while I hold down the fort in SF. We haven’t been away from each other that long since we moved to SF, so I look forward to regressing back to our long distance relationship days and bringing back the excitement of seeing each other after long periods apart.  With a new year, comes new resolutions- here are mine 🙂

1. Bring the old me back– I used to take chances and push the envelope when I was in college. I went out a lot, my fashion didn’t consist of 30 cardigans in every color possible, I was innovative and outgoing. I feel like after moving out to SF, I lost my mojo a little. I wasn’t in a familiar place with familiar people and I didn’t feel comfortable enough to be me around strangers/new people. I feel like very few people have seen my true kooky personality.  This year, I’m getting my groove back 🙂

2. This kind of goes with my 1st resolution- Take risks with my fashion– I’m not talking about sporting a side boob on the reg, but more maybe more colors other than black. Buy jewelry or shoes I wouldn’t typically wear.  I feel like the corporate world sucked the fashion sense out of me. You might say “but  Hetal, you can be fashionable and wear work appropriate clothes too”. I say you’re right, I just like to stick to Calvin Klein dresses and cardigans to be safe since my company’s dress code is 10 pages long and I’m a type A rule-follower. Yes, I am that girl at the club sporting a pink cardi with ballet flats- instead of heels and a dress. I promise to buy 1 casual item for every 3 work items I buy.

3. Start my cookie business. San Francisco has this fantastic Cottage Law that allows people to sell goods made within their homes.  I want to start a cookie business because I love baking and it’s my form of zen. As long as the flavors are good and you follow the directions, everything always turns out right. I want to take my passion for baking one step further and try to turn it into a business. I signed up for a Cottage Law Class so I can get figure out what steps I need to take to get my certification to start.

4. Get healthythis one is typically on everyone’s list and it’s on mine too. When I say healthy I don’t mean losing weight. I mean strength. I have super messed up knees and wrists due to injuries and a lack of ability to gain muscle mass. I blame my mother as I have inherited her chicken legs.  I want to get my quads and arms super strong so that I can run, climb, and jump without any pain. Finding exercises that don’t have a high impact on your knees while working out your quads can be challenging, but I and willing to try. (Suggestions are welcome)

5. Collaborate with other bloggers. I am a massive blog follower, and I always read certain blogs thinking it would be so cool to meet the blogger and collaborate- but I never follow through. This year I plan on following through and not being afraid of looking silly or worrying they won’t like the content on my blog enough to work with me. Which reminds me- if you want to collaborate send me an message 🙂

What’s you resolution this year?

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